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I led this pyratick life about two years in which time I receiv'd a thousand proofs of the Pirats valour and obedience, which was as perfect as the greatest monark could receive from his meanest subjects. In it I found a life (if I may say so for the consideration of the unlawfullnesse of it) that was pleasant and free from the versatilousnesse of Fortune, and I seemed now as if I tryumph'd over the power of that deity. There was nothing the world could afford or the industry and power of men could gaine, so absolute a regency had I acquir'd over the hearts of those that serv'd me, that if I desired it they would sacrifice all their lives but they'd content me. All outward blisse attended me, and I wanted nothing of the pleasures and deliciousnesse of the greatest princes. But yet Atalanta was a spectre that alwayes appear'd before my eyes, and seem'd to desire my company in the Elisium. Indeed I sought death every where, where I hop'd I might finde it, I led them to most apparent dangers, which yet their valour still conquered, and in the greatest atchivements came off victorious, and without murmuring at my actions, and with a desperatnesse of a man resolv'd for death I fought against all opposers, and incurr'd all dangers, which rashness they accounted the effects of an extream valour, and their love made them as resolute as my selfe: by which means, as fortune had rob'd me of my content and dispossessed me of my greatest riches, so now becoming her executioner I made others miserable by their losses who seemed to be her favourities, and enriched the coffers of my praedonians with inaestimable treasure taken on the Seas. It was now that fortune gave me a very happy encounter, and made me some amends for her former injuries, I was gliding over the Tuscane sea when I perceiv'd one of my vessels in fight with another, I bore up to her to afford her my helpe and to make sure of the prey but before I came, I perceived that she was taken, and my men slain and prisoners, a thing not usual it was, to see them overcome, which made me believe I should find so stout a resistance that I should not seek any further for the death I wish'd for, I came up encouraging my men to revenge the death of their fellows, and falling abord on them I expected a sufficient number of them to resist me, but I wondered to see so many slain and taken prisoners by the prodigious valour of one man. A shamed to assault him with so many, I commanded them to keep their ship, and to leave me the glory of that combate. They obeying me I entred the ship wherein Euripedes had done such wonders (for it was he) and encountering him I found that I had need of the assistance of all my men to overcome him. I sustained [Page 162] the sury of his arm at least an hower, but not without wounds, and undoubtedly I had fell under his strenuous arme, had not my men at that time breaking their wonted obedience through the great fear they had of my life rushed all into the ship to assaile him. I was extraordinarily moved at their basenesse and fearing their temerity I turned about and defended my enemy. What (said I opposing them with my sword) after all your loyalty will you now give me proofs of your disobedience, I had thought you had not been capable of such basenesse. I have hitherto opposed my self against a valour that is invincible, but now i'le defend my enemy rather then suffer this ignobility. These words stoped their motion and made them retire: turning about to Euripdes, Sir (said I) you shall have no odds, lets finish what you have so bravely begun. Euripeles being truly generous, replyed, It is a folly to opose you, since you have two weapons which make you invincible, valour and generosity, it is enough that you have overcome me with the first, let me not be altogether conquered in the last. I proffer you my sword and service, and give you all the signals of victory. Alas! (said I) how unjustly you attribute this to me, which I ought to have given you: But we must finish our combate, 'tis not out of hopes that I shall prove the victor, 'tis a thing I desire not, but out of a desire I have to receive the death I have so long sought by the hand of one so valorous. You shall never find it under mine (reply'd the generous Euripedes) I will not commit so heynous a crime as to offend my defender, but if you'l honour me with your friendship, I shall prize it above the victory; if not, yet give me leave to render you proofes of my servitude. With that he offered me the pummel of his sword: I was vext at his refusal to fight, and stepping back I bid him stand upon his guard, and thinking to irritate him with my blows, I renew'd the fight; he indeed defended himself, but would not strike to hurt me. What (said I very angry) you esteem me not worthy enough to exercise your valour upon: with this giving him a forceable blow, his guard being low, I cut his hand wrist, and as fortune would, a braslet which surrounded it. This put a period to my anger, for I no sooner saw it, but I knew it by a remarkable stone in the midst of it, to be the same that I had put about the neck of Atalanta's child. I took it up, and with an action that testified my amazedness I beheld it, and assuring my self that it was the same, I was not slack to know of him how he had acquired it. He very courteously satisfying my demand, I must live now (cryed I out) since duty binds me to perform what I owe to Atalanta. O gods! what ought I to expect from that infant, since ye have preserv'd it so miraculously: I presently crav'd pardon for my insolencies, and it was as soon granted by generous Euripedes. I gave him a brief relation of Atalanta's misfortunes and my own, whereby he saw what interest I had in the child, and entring into a very near league of friendship, I conducted him and the fair Amenia into the Issick gulf. He gave me direction to find Marinus (which name he kept for the imposers sake) and with wonderfull expression of his amity, he left me to go and redeem the child, which by a miracle, fortune once more gave me. 2ff7e9595c